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本文摘要:Six months after a jury awarded Apple (AAPL) $1.05 billion in its landmark patent infringement suit against Samsung, the judge in the case finally sorted through the paperwork and issued what amounts to a split decision.六个月前,苹果(Apple)在“世纪专利大战”中大获全胜,陪审团判决三星(Samsung)缴纳赔偿金10.5亿美元。

Six months after a jury awarded Apple (AAPL) $1.05 billion in its landmark patent infringement suit against Samsung, the judge in the case finally sorted through the paperwork and issued what amounts to a split decision.六个月前,苹果(Apple)在“世纪专利大战”中大获全胜,陪审团判决三星(Samsung)缴纳赔偿金10.5亿美元。日前,负责管理此案的法官再一已完成文书工作,公开发表了一项非一致性要求。In a 27-page order released Friday, Judge Lucy Koh vacated $450 million of the original award and ordered a new trial to sort out how much Samsung should pay for 13 devices where the jurys math is in dispute.上周五发布的起诉书长达27页,法官高兰惠免除了三星4.5亿美元的赔偿金,同时拒绝新的审理,以确认陪审团不存在争议的13款设备,三星到底应当缴纳多少赔偿金。

When a Court detects an error in the jurys damages verdict, she wrote, the Court has two choices: the Court may order a new trial on damages, or the Court may reduce the award to a supportable amount.高兰惠写到:“一旦法院找到陪审团的损害赔偿裁决有误,有两种方案可供选择:法院拒绝对损害赔偿新的审判,或者必要将赔偿金降到合理水平。”On Friday she did both, reducing Apples award to cover 14 of the devices at issue and ordering a new trial on the other half.高兰惠上周五同时接纳了两种方案,将苹果取得的赔偿金降到只覆盖面积14款侵权行为的三星设备;而对另外13款三星设备则拒绝新的审判。Apple can now demand that Samsung pay the nearly $600 million of the award that the judge let stand, plus whatever the court decides to add in terms of interest and supplemental damages from Samsungs sales.苹果现在才可拒绝三星赔偿金法官所判决的6亿美元,另加法院所反对的其它赔偿金,例如利息以及源于三星营收的补足赔偿金。

But since the case is headed for an appeals court, both the new damages trial and the $600 million check may have to wait.不过,由于两家公司仍可对案件驳回裁决,无论是新的审判还是6亿美元赔偿金显然都还要等上一段时间。FOSS Patents Florian Mueller, as usual, has the most detailed analysis.FOSS Patents网站的专利专家弗洛里安·穆勒照例得出了最详尽的分析。

The full ruling, via AllThingsD.原始起诉书请参阅科技博客AllThingsD。





